Elizabeth Zwamborn
​​Dalhousie University
Pilot Whale Catalogue
First available for summer 2015, the Cape Breton Pilot Whale Project's "Long-finned Pilot Whales of Northwestern Cape Breton" is an identification catalogue that includes some of the most recognizable and commonly encountered whales found in CBPWP's study area.
The purpose of this catalogue is two-fold. With many whale-watching operators making a copy available on their vessels, it gives the public an opportunity to learn about the importance of this species in the waters off the eastern seaboard of North America. Each whale in the catalogue has been given a nickname and identification number. Also included are information about the gender and social unit if known, last year seen, as well as a description of their unique markings (which are often the inspiration behind the names they have been given).
This is also an opportunity for involvement in citizen science, as we have little understanding of the movements of these individuals. The Whitehead Lab hopes that reports of catalogued individual will help us begin to solve the mystery of where these pilots go when they are not seen in our study area. You can help! If you see one of these whales or any others that are well marked, please send the photo, date taken, and location to: pilotwhalesofcanada(at)gmail.com
The catalogue is available below in PDF form. You may request a laminated copy at a subsidized cost from the Whitehead Lab by emailing pilotwhalesofcanada(at)gmail.com.